
Top places to visit in Britain

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About-Britain.com - the thematic guide to Britain
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Discover the most popular and interesting tourist sites in Britain

It was the British, back in the eighteenth century, who made tourism into a fashionable activity. The actual word tourism was first used in Britain in the early nineteenth century, when a
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Top tourist cities
in Britain
Other main tourist towns and cities
Castles & stately homes
Prehistoric sites
National parks
Top theme park locations
Zoos & wildlife parks
Steam railways
Industrial heritage sites
Seasides and coasts
growing number of people became able to enjoy a leisure activity previously reserved for the aristocracy, travel. So it was almost two centuries ago that ordinary people in Britain began to travel to see remarkable sights, to visit historic cities and the landscapes made famous by poets, to enjoy the seaside, and just to travel for travel's sake.  Today Britain offers a particularly rich tourist heritage, a heritage steeped in history and an appreciation of the natural environment. The map on this page lists some of the most important and visited tourist destinations in the UK. Pages listed below and in the menu above  present the best and most impressive tourist sites by theme..


What are the top ten tourist sites in Britain ?

There is no agreement over any definitive list of the top ten tourist sites in Britain, and it makes little sense to provide such a list. Bucket lists of the "best sites" always include personal preferences and/or regional bias, not to mention commercial pressure and vested interests. Furthermore any such lists  depend on what you consider a "site" or a "destination" to be, and how you define a tourist.

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About-Britain.com is an independent guide to Britain, free of external advertising. Pages may contain links to useful external websites, including official sources, as well as  affiliate links to relevant travel service providers. A small commission may be  earned from purchases made through these affiliate links.

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London may be the World's no.1 tourist city, but it's by no means the only place in Britain that is worth visiting. The map on this page shows the location of over fifty of the best tourist cities and locations in the UK. Click on any icon  for details of what's where.

Guards on parade


Hotels with character...
Independent hotels in London and the suburbs

Photo top of page by Diego Torres

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